The International Federation for Promotion of Research into Women's and Gender History

IFRWH Conference Programme

The next IFRWH conference is taking place at Tsuda University, Tokyo, Japan between 7 and 10 August 2024. The programme is now available on the conference website. Please click here:
We look forward to seeing you there. Safe travels!

Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East-Central Europe 

Where: University of Crete, Campus of Gallos, Rethymno

When: 28-30 November 2024   

The research project titled "Feminisms and Politics in the Interwar Balkans (1923-1939)," ( hosted by the University of Crete, chaired by Dr. Aikaterini Dalakoura, and supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the "2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to Support Faculty Members & Researchers (Project Number: 3050)," is organizing the International Conference titled "Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East-Central Europe."  

The conference aims to explore feminist movements in the region of Balkans and East - Central Europe in the uneasy interwar historical context, placing emphasis on transnational contacts and collaborations of feminist and women’s organizations, the entanglement of their activity with politics and diplomacy at regional and international scale, and the tensions emerged between national and international agendas. 

New abstract submission deadline: 31 July 2024  

For more details & to view the full CFP please visit


The First Feminist and Education Congress, a hundred years later. Women, Rights and Citizenship in the Construction of Democratic Societies
When: 16th-17th May 2024
Where: NOVA FCSH, Campolide Campus, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon

This International Seminar aims to create an open space for reflection and debate on multidisciplinary studies that fall within the thematic areas of women’s rights and public participation in all dimensions of life in society, past and present. Stimulating the historiographical renewal of Women’s and Gender History, but also seeking a collaborative, interdisciplinary and international approach, we will revisit the First Feminist and Education Congress, taking in mind the paths, achievements, and contributions of social and feminist movements to the construction of citizenship in democratic societies.

Therefore, we call for participation, through the submission of proposals within the following thematic lines (without excluding others correlated):
• Feminist Movements in Portugal during the 20th century: organization,
protagonists, and vindications;
• Feminist Movements during the 21st century: achievements and challenges;
• Women in public and political life during the 20th and 21st centuries;
• Women in the transition to democracy in Portugal: April 25th and PREC;
• African Women and Women of African descent;
• Women, trade unionism and work;
• Women in education;
• Women in the arts, literature, and culture;
• Women in Science;
• Women in the economic field;
• Migrant and refugee women;
• Women’s rights and human rights;
• Women’s resistance and struggles: past and present;
• Women in contemporary times: transnational and comparative perspectives;
• Concepts, practices and methodologies in Women’s and Gender History.
Proposals Submission

Proposals for communication should be accompanied by a title, an abstract (maximum 3500 characters), three keywords, a brief biographic note (maximum 750 characters) and contact details (email and phone). Accepted communications will result in 15-minute presentations and may be presented in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.
Proposals should be summited through the following form until March 10th, 2024:
More information here


Extended Deadline!
 IFRWH Conference: Toyko 2024

We are delighted to announce that the call for papers for the next IFRWH conference is now live! 

When & Where?
Our next conference will be held at Tsuda University, Tokyo, 7-10 August 2024.

The conference theme is 'Reflections on major issues in women's history' & we welcome papers, panels & roundtables on topics that include: 

gender equality, gender division of labor, political participation, sexuality, family, and society. 

Proposals should be submitted by 1 October 2023.

Conference website:  The IFRWH 2024 Conference in Tokyo | HOME (

Big Berks is Back!

Berkshire Conference of Women, Genders and Sexualities, 2023
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Big Berks!

28 June – 2 July 2023, Santa Clara University, California.

The Berkshire Conference is back and is convening in California this Summer. The theme this year is, ' Oceans, Islands, and Continents: Reconceptualizing the Spatialization of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Histories' The conference programme and information on registration can be found here

The Board of Trustees of the Journal of Women’s History is proud to announce two research grants for
scholars in the fields of transnational women’s and gender history. Two grants are available:
  1. The Jean Quataert Dissertation Travel Grant. Funds will be used to support travel to archives and libraries for dissertation research. One grant will be awarded each year. Individual grants will not exceed $4000. 
  2. The Journal of Women’s History Scholars Research Grant. Funds will be used to support travel, research, or writing of a significant scholarly contribution in the fields of women’s and gender history, with a preference for transnational topics.
Full details on the schemes, how to apply, and the criteria can be found here.
OeZG CFP.pdf

Call for Papers: 

Thematic issue of the Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften (OeZG)

We are delighted to share the CFP for a special issue of OeZG on the theme of 'Women's Movements & Formations of Knowledge: Political and Epistemic Practices' which is planned to be published in February 2025. Contributions to the issue (inc. spaces and footnotes) will be 55,000 characters. 

Please send proposal outlines of 1-2 pages to by 15 December 2022 and add “cfp: proposal” in the reference line.

Please click on the red 'Download' box for the full document. 

Important Update: Poznan 2022

It is with deep regret that we inform our community that many of the IFRWH sessions due to run at the reorganised ICHS Poznań conference (2020/2022) have been cancelled for reasons out of our control. We would like to draw your attention to two sessions that will still be going ahead:

The full programme for the conference can be found here

Statement on Ukraine

The IFRWH are affiliated with Comité International des Sciences Historiques/ International Committee of Historical Sciences. Please see the CISH Statement on Ukraine here:

Gustav Vasa Seminar: Gender & Economy

Organised by Colleagues at the  University of Jyväskylä, Finland, the 2022 Gustav Vasa Seminar is on the theme of Gender & Economy. The event will take place 15-16 June 2022. CFP closes 12th April 2022.  

Gender & Economy Summer School

Colleagues at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, are also running an exciting 2 day Graduate Summer School in methods for social science history. It will run 13-14 June. Applications are welcome until 12th April 2022


Please see the Winter 2021 newsletter for an important update on the rescheduled Poznan 2022 conference! Our VP Tiina Kinnunen has been in touch with the chairs of all sessions to enquire whether participants are still interested in contributing, and we are delighted to
tell you that a hybrid option is available! 

It is really important that we get the following information from everyone:
  • Those who already responded and wrote that you are still interested, please let your people know that hybrid participation is possible. Tiina will contact you for more details.
    Those who have not yet responded: Please let Tiina know by 15th February 2022.
  • Speakers who have not been contacted by their chair, please email Tiina.
Tiina can be contacted:

On 9-12 June will be held the VIII Congress of the Società Italiana delle Storiche, the Italian Society of Historians “Gender History: Paths, Intersections, Perspectives”, organised in collaboration with the University of Verona. About 180 speakers from various Italian, European and non-European universities and research institutes will discuss themes and interpretative categories in women's and gender history and debate new historiographic orientations from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The papers, organised in 44 parallel sessions, cover a chronological span that extends from antiquity to the present day and refer to a multiplicity of geo-political and cultural contexts (Europe, the Americas, the Middle and Far East, Africa) analysed with approaches that focus on local, national, transnational and/or global contexts.

The topics range from the analysis of bodies to women's voices and writings, from the critique of binarism to the construction of gender models, from work in its various forms to the sphere of the sacred, from urban spaces to mining, from migration and mobility to colonial perspectives, from the various forms of individual agency to those of collective actions, from citizenship to feminism and environmental movements, from political language and propaganda to autobiographies and self-perceptions, from emotions to representations of the feminine, to name but a few.

The Congress will be opened by Professor Joanna De Groot, a well-known Iranist from the University of York (UK), with a lectio magistralis entitled The Space of Gender and the Gender of Space: some Thoughts from a Historian of Nineteenth Century Iran. This is a tribute by SIS to the memory of Anna Vanzan - Iranist, member of the Society's board from 2014 to 2018, and of the editorial board of the journal Genesis since 2018, who prematurely passed away in 2020.

The Congress will be a place, albeit virtual, for intense exchange and discussion. The proceedings will be held online on the Zoom platform. To follow the individual panels, all one needs to do is register at the respective links published in the programme on the SIS website ( and on the University of Verona website (

Exciting news from Archives du féminisme

The French non-profit organization Archives du féminisme, is working towards the preservation of feminist archives, is undertaking the creation of an international research network and database. They are working to identify, preserve, and distribute as many archival resources as possible, promoting research about all types of feminism and contributing to their dissemination. The organization brings together people from different intellectual and professional backgrounds, from non-profit organizations, libraries, and archives, to research centers, universities, and journalism schools. They are committed to transmitting the rich history of feminism. 

They seek to create more cohesion and stimulate international research on feminisms. The international and interdisciplinary database of research on French feminisms would make it possible to put in contact researchers on French feminisms from different countries and create a cohesive network. It will be available on their website and will be accessible to all.

If you wish to be a part of this database of research on French feminisms, please fill this form : .

For any clarification or query, do not hesitate to contact them at

Call for Contributions!

Call for papers — Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies/Journal of Gender Studies Special Issue on 'Dis/abling Gender'

Call for Submissions, with a deadline for 1st May 2021

This special issue of Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies (Journal of Gender Studies), wishes to explore the intersections between complex lived experiences of dis/ability and gender through an explicit engagement with the links and tensions between the scholarly and activist fields of gender studies and critical disability studies (see e.g., Meekosha & Shuttleworth 2009) while taking stock of important present-day turns and debates in and at the intersections of both fields.

Please send abstracts of approximately 500 words as a word document to the guest editors,, , by 1st May 2021

The full cfp with details on themes and submissions can be found here.

Newsletter: Latest Issue

The IFRWH publishes a bi-annual newsletter that brings together all the research news and achievements of our global network. The Winter 2020 issue is available here

New Board Members and Officeholders, 2020-2025 Elected

The officer holders and members of the Federation's Board for 2020-2025 were elected at the  Biannual General Meeting held online in September 2020.

Many congratulations to  Yuko Takahashi, the new president.  

For a full list of the officeholders and board members for 2020-2025, click here.

The Ida Blom-Karen Offen Prize in Transnational Women's and Gender History

The Federation is delighted to announce the joint winners of the inaugural book prize in honour of Ida Blom and Karen Offen:

Katherine M. Marino, Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement (University of North Carolina Press, 2019)

Jocelyn Olcott, International Women's Year. The Greatest Consciousness-Raising Event in History (Oxford University Press, 2017)

Newsletter: Latest Issue

Newsletter, Summer 2020 Now Available

The Federation produces a bi-annual newsletter. It includes reports of events and activities organised by the national committees affiliated to the IFRWH.

Newsletter no 67, Summer 2020 is available here.


Gender Studies Under Attack

Condemnation of Attack on Gender Studies Programmes in Hungarian Universities

The Federation condemns the attack on Gender Studies in Hungarian universities


Dis_abling gender FINAL CfP.pdf
Dis_abling gender FINAL CfP.pdf
Dis_abling gender FINAL CfP.pdf
SIS-8th Congress-2021-La_storia _di_genere-Gender_History-PROGRAMME-Titles of panels in English.pdf
SIS-8th Congress-2021-La_storia _di_genere-Gender_History-PROGRAMME-Titles of panels in English.pdf
SIS-8th Congress-2021-La_storia _di_genere-Gender_History-PROGRAMME-Titles of panels in English.pdf

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